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SKU: 25902-Spray-Applicator

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Order soon 3 left in stock

Toppik Spray Applicator will dramatically improve the results you see with Toppik from the very first application.

This precision instrument allows you to spray Toppik on, rather than just shaking as before. By using this appliance, you will get an even more natural look...the fibers will disperse more evenly and be directed more precisely. Because of this precision, you will find yourself using significantly less Toppik, making this economical as well.

Treat Specific Areas: To thicken precise areas, try inserting the nozzle into your hair and spray gently. This will disperse the fibers more evenly giving you a fuller and more natural look.

Fill Out Your Front Hairline: The Applicator is perfect for filling out your front hairline. For best results, use it with the Toppik Hairline Optimizer, a laser generated template that allows for a perfectly natural hairline that replicates the growth pattern of your own hair.

How to use Applicator:
1. Take a bottle of Toppik Hair Building Fibers and remove the cap. Remove the sifter from the bottle by gently turning and lifting it. Screw the Toppik Spray Applicator onto the bottle.

2. By squeezing the ball, you will cause a burst of Toppik, perfectly dispersed, into your hair. You will find that the fibers distribute more evenly and that you have more control over where the fibers are placed in your hair.

3. To thicken precise areas, try inserting the nozzle into your hair and spray gently.

4. The Applicator is perfect for filling out your front hairline. For best results, use it with the Toppik Hairline Optimizer, a laser generated template that allows for a perfectly natural hairline that replicates the growth pattern of your own hair.

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